Archived Image Search
If you would like me to search for images that are no longer displayed on the Gallery there is a $50 search fee, per event (per year) - available on images taken within the last 10 years only. Once the fee is paid and relevant information has been provided you will receive a Voucher code to the value of $20 to spend on images. Once I have found the image proofs you request, I will be load them to the Gallery page where you may make your purchase - they will be online for a period of two weeks.
I will require you to provide the following information:- a date, at minimum the year; event name; horse's name/description; if possible an exhibit number; if possible a screen shot of the proof; if possible the proof number; if possible any photo of the horse so I know what I'm looking for. You may make use of the "Notes" section below to supply the information I will require to search for the image/s. Alternatively, when you've place this order you will receive an order confirmation email, you may reply to that order confirmation to supply the required details for the search. I will attend to your request at my earliest convenience - it's a time consuming task when proof number/s are not provided.
Gmail account holders. If you supply me with a Gmail account address - Please please please..... check your Junk folder for emails from me.
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